Does eating too much yeast cause infections?

Yeast can be positive or negative depending upon what comes to mind. In baking, yeast is a very good thing because it's a critical part of making bread and rolls light and fluffy. Without it, bread wouldn’t have the texture or flavor that we all know and love. But, yeast can also be a bad thing when it refers to a certain kind of infection that plagues women.

These two yeasts only have one thing in common: they are both types of fungi. However, the fungus that can cause yeast infections is not the same one that is needed for baking! Let your mind rest easy; you cannot get a yeast infection from eating too much yeast.

Although yeast bread can be eliminated as a trigger of yeast infections, there is still a wide range of causes to consider. A yeast infection occurs when the fungus, Candida albicans, is out of balance with the other microorganisms in your body.

Even though it's a natural part of your intestinal tract, Candida albicans can be detrimental when it begins overpopulating, and the result is a yeast infection. Many things can play a part in setting off this balance. Stress, illness, periods, and even certain medications can be the cause of yeast infections.

Is it what you ate?

Does eating too much yeast cause yeast infections? The short answer is no; consuming yeast doesn’t increase your risk for an infection. However, other foods that you eat may be a cause of yeast infections. For example, sugar is a natural food for Candida albicans. Too many sweet foods can trigger a Candida overpopulation which will cause an infection.

Many experts suggest limiting your sugar intake while introducing natural probiotics into your diet to keep Candida levels in-check. Foods like yogurt or kimchi are great natural treatments for yeast infections. A good probiotic supplement can also help prevent future infections since probiotics help restore balance to the intestinal tract’s microflora.

Are you "prone" to yeast infections?

Even if you fix your diet, it’s not a guarantee against a future yeast infection. One of the most common causes of recurring yeast infections is an imbalance of good vs. bad bacteria in the gut. Even more common is an overgrowth of Candida, a type of yeast that normally lives on or inside various parts of the body.

Typically, our bodies' natural bacteria and immune systems are able to maintain Candida populations. However, things like changes in diet, new antibiotics, and other factors can cause the Candida to grow and multiply far faster than normal, resulting in an overgrowth that can lead to uncomfortable symptoms and, if left untreated, serious health conditions.

One of the best ways to target the issue at its source is by maintaining a healthy gut, rich in good bacteria and friendly flora.

does eating yeast cause yeast infections